
Gavin's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 305 (From 80 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 6,020 Points

Escape Pico's School

Medals Earned: 3/4 (80/90 points)

Seriously? 5 Points

Why would you even bother clicking on it?

What's That Smell? 25 Points

You've successfully gotten into the janitor's closet!

Fire Starter 50 Points

You've successfully started the fire to distract the principle!

Spare Time 10 Points

The credits are over, why are you still walking?


Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/175 points)

Evolver 5 Points

Evolve Once

Cheater 5 Points

Use a cheat

Easy Going 5 Points

Beat the game on easy

Medium Rare 10 Points

Beat on medium

Sushi 10 Points

Eat 200 fish in one game

Gourmet 25 Points

Eat all 76 kinds of fish in one game

High Strung 25 Points

Beat on high

Monstar 25 Points

Achieve the rank of Sea Monster (over 5 000 000 points )

Xpert 50 Points

Beat on Expert

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Fear Is Vigilance

Medals Earned: 6/9 (65/190 points)

Making Sure 5 Points

Kick someone who's already unconscious.

Very Popular 5 Points

Make five "friends" at once.

Champion of Public Safety 10 Points

Complete Story

Distributor 10 Points

Give out ten alarms in one day.

Gas Money 10 Points

Collect $40 during the story.

Invincible 25 Points

Don't get knocked out in the story.

Arcade Hero 25 Points

Top $100 in Arcade Mode.

Hockey Style 50 Points

Beat 20 people at the ice rink.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/395 points)

I Said Funkin' 5 Points

Start the game for the first time.

That's How You Do It! 5 Points

Beat Tutorial in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

More Like Daddy Queerest 10 Points

Beat Week 1 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).


Beat Week 2 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Pico Funny 10 Points

Beat Week 3 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Mommy Must Murder 10 Points

Beat Week 4 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Yule Tide Joy 10 Points

Beat Week 5 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

A Visual Novelty 10 Points

Beat Week 6 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

I <3 JohnnyUtah 10 Points

Beat Week 7 in Story Mode (on any difficulty).

Yo, Really Think So? 10 Points

Beat Weekend 1 in Story Mode (on any difficulty) and unlock Pico as a playable character in Freeplay.

Stay Funky 5 Points

Press TAB in Freeplay and unlock your first character.

A Challenger Appears 10 Points

Beat any Pico remix in Freeplay (on any difficulty).

De-Stressing 10 Points

Beat Stress (Pico Mix) in Freeplay (on any difficulty).

L 5 Points

Earn a Loss rating on any song (on any difficulty).

Getting Freaky 25 Points

Earn a Perfect rating on any song on Hard difficulty.

Harder Than Hard 25 Points

Beat any Erect remix in Freeplay on Erect or Nightmare difficulty.

You Should Drink More Water 50 Points

Earn a Gold Perfect rating on any song on Hard difficulty.

The Rap God 100 Points

Earn a Gold Perfect rating on any song on Nightmare difficulty.

Just like the game! 25 Points

Get freaky on a Friday.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Goin Up

Medals Earned: 1/21 (5/825 points)

First kill 5 Points

first Kill

Jump on 10 enemies 5 Points

Jump on 10 enemies

I can double jump 10 Points

I can double jump

I like my wall 10 Points

jump on a wall 20 times

I love dem clouds 10 Points

touch the sky

Jump on 50 enemies 10 Points

Jump on 50 enemies

Collect 1000 skulls 25 Points

Collect 1000 skulls

Combo Breaker 25 Points

Fiery Combo of 10

Find the hidden button 25 Points

Find the hidden button

Jump on 100 enemies 25 Points

Jump on 100 enemies

Kill 20 Spikes in one game 25 Points

Kill 20 Spikes in one game

Collect 5000 skulls 50 Points

Collect 5000 skulls

Evolve to final level 50 Points

Evolve to final level

I can stop at any time 50 Points

play for an hour

Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things.. 50 Points

Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things..

Kill every big enemy 50 Points

Kill every big enemy

Kill every small enemy 50 Points

Kill every small enemy

The final Frontier 50 Points

reach space

I can't stop at any time 100 Points

play for 3 hours

Kill every enemy 100 Points

Kill every enemy

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Help the Hero!

Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/115 points)

LEVEL1 5 Points

Beat Level1

LEVEL2 5 Points

Beat LEvel 2

LEVEL3 5 Points

Beat Level 3

LEVEL4 5 Points

Beat Level 4

LEVEL5 5 Points

Beat Level 5

LEVEL6 5 Points

Beat Level 6

LEVEL7 5 Points

Beat Level 7

LEVEL8 5 Points

Beat Level 8

LEVEL9 25 Points

Beat Level 9


Last more than 150 seconds in challenge mode.


Medals Earned: 2/20 (10/500 points)

Small Dodger 5 Points

Dodge 20 small high obstacles

Small Jumper 5 Points

Jump 20 small ground obstacles

Epic Fail 5 Points

Fail 20 times

Farm Massacre 5 Points

Kill 20 farmers

Medium Dodger 5 Points

Dodge 20 medium high obstacles

Medium Jumper 5 Points

Jump 20 medium ground obstacles

Fight In The Shade 10 Points

Block 20 volleys of arrows

Large Dodger 10 Points

Dodge 20 large high obstacles

Large Jumper 10 Points

Jump 20 large ground obstacles

Mano-A-Mano 10 Points

Block 20 duelists

Think Fast! 10 Points

Dodge 10 rider attacks

Trample Mania 10 Points

Jump 20 hoplites

Was That a Fly? 10 Points

Dodge 20 volleys of arrows

Cover Up 25 Points

Unlock all armor

Eat My Dust 25 Points

Outrun 10 riders

Cat And Mouse 50 Points

Survive 5 minutes in Pursuit

Long Day 50 Points

Complete Story mode

Survivor 50 Points

Survive 5 minutes in Survival

Hell And Back 100 Points

Complete hardcore mode

The Spice Of Life 100 Points

Unlock all game modes

Holiday Sim

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/140 points)

Sudden Death 5 Points

What a quick game!

Rockstar 10 Points

a classic rockstar's end

Best Holiday Ever 25 Points

so what is the typical holiday like?

King of the Waves 100 Points

you are a beach boy!!!

Human Centipede: The Game

Medals Earned: 2/13 (15/550 points)

Reading Rainbow 5 Points

Read through all of the intro and instructions text

Hop A Cop 10 Points

Bypass a cop by moving over him

Grave Damage 10 Points

Destroy 100 tombstones

Nice Aim 25 Points

Destroy 10 dropping needles or scalpels

Raise The Roofie 25 Points

collect 3 roofies in a single level

Speedy Pedey 25 Points

Destroy 5 of the fastest respawned centipedes in a single level

Antivenom 50 Points

Destroy 20 tombstones altered by cop cars

Donut Break 50 Points

Stop a cop car before it makes contact with a tombstone

Pede Gatherer 50 Points

Achieve 50,000 points

Cop Killa 100 Points

Destroy 10 cops for their maximum 900 point value

Pede Master 100 Points

Achieve 100,000 points

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

In Utero

Medals Earned: 3/4 (225/250 points)

Supasperm 25 Points

Beat the first level.

Impotent 100 Points

Complete the first level without firing a shot.

Preggerz 100 Points

Beat the game.

Aborted 25 Points

Kill the boss without dying.